Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy Treatment

Is Your Loved One Dealing with Bell’s Palsy Recently?


Are you or your loved one feeling anxious or confused regarding the recent diagnosis of Bell’s Palsy? Knowing more about this medical condition will put you at ease and relieve your stress. Having complete information about this condition and knowing how the Bell’s Palsy treatment in Edmonton region offered by Excelsior Physiotherapy like physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture can help you adjust, manage, and recover quickly from the condition of facial paralysis.

About Bell’s Palsy or Facial Paralysis 


Bell’s Palsy refers to a temporary paralysis of facial muscles either completely or partially. The onset of this type of paralysis is almost immediate, leaving you helpless without having any control over your facial muscles on the affected side. Facial palsy rarely has symptoms like pain or inflammation but can have a serious impact on your emotions. Bell’s palsy condition can weaken your facial muscles completely or partially, which can lead to disfigurement and performing simple tasks like chewing your food or smiling extremely challenging.

Top 5 Symptoms of Bell’s Palsy 

  1. Partial drooping on one part of the face 
  2. Unable to close one or both the eyes
  3. Experiencing difficulty while speaking 
  4. Not recognizing taste 
  5. Unable to control the saliva flow leading to drooling 

 Diagnosing Bell’s Palsy


When availing of our Bell’s Palsy treatment in Edmonton region, our expert physiotherapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy would tell you that there are no specific tests available to confirm this condition. Our team of massage therapists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and acupuncturists will ask you to perform a couple of simple movements like closing your eyes, frowning, lifting your eyebrows, and closing your lips. The distinct symptom associated with facial paralysis is its  sudden emergence, which might develop further in a couple of hours. And, there are no specific underlying causes that might lead to this facial palsy condition, which is why you need to consult the expert physiotherapist at Excelsior Physiotherapy. Our experts can also identify if high blood pressure, herpes virus, obesity, or pregnancy are the reasons behind this sudden facial paralysis.

How Physiotherapy Will Help You Recover from Bell’s Palsy? 


Most often, complete or partial paralysis of Bell’s Palsy has temporary effects, which is up to 6 months. With physiotherapy treatment in Edmonton, you will be able to recover from facial paralysis quickly and achieve better control over your facial muscles. The Bell’s Palsy treatment in North Edmonton offered by Excelsior Physiotherapy can help you manage your everyday activities, stay stress-free with continuous improvement, and deal with your normal life without paralysis influence it. Apart from regular acupuncture therapy and massage sessions, we provide two types of physiotherapy exercises for Bell’s Palsy, such as facilitation and initiation exercises.

The initiation exercises focus more on educating you to perform various facial muscle
movements, where our expert therapist will help position your face to trigger swift movement of facial muscles to treat the onset of Bell’s Palsy. Facilitation exercises are taught after completing initiation exercises. Your therapist offering Bell’s Palsy treatment in Sherwood Park at Excelsior Physiotherapy will develop these workouts for controlling and strengthening the facial muscles. When these exercises team up with movement exercises, it is easier to achieve muscle coordination and facial movement that you lost earlier.

Book Your Appointment at Excelsior Physiotherapy Today 

Our team of physiotherapists, acupuncture specialists, and massage therapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy strive to enhance your facial muscle function to perform simple tasks when dealing with Bell’s Palsy. Contact Excelsior Physiotherapy today to create a customized proactive treatment and get ready for recovery.

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8103 127 Ave NW Unit-17, Edmonton, AB T5C 1R9, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

664 Wye Rd #180, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 6G3, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM