Sciatica and Back Pain

Sciatica and Back Pain Treatment in Edmonton

Are you waking up every day with a nagging back pain that radiates to your buttocks, thighs, and legs? Are you putting off your regular activities due to throbbing pain in the lower, middle, or upper back? You might be having a condition called sciatica. Fret not. It is not a serious medical condition, as it can be treated. 

Canadian Physiotherapy Association has stated that back pain is one of the most highly reported pain in the nation. The Association states that one among every four Canadians would have dealt with backache in the last three months. Even though sciatica and back pain are two different conditions, both are often misunderstood. While the back pain is more related to acute pain in your lower, middle, or upper back, sciatica on the other hand, is a radiating pain that travels from your back to pats of legs like thigh or even buttock. 

Sometimes, you might also have radiculopathy, which can cause numbness associated with sharp pain, burning, and tingling radiating through the leg. It is caused by nerve entrapment in that part or herniated disc if the pain is near the spine. If you are on the lookout for relief from sciatica or back pain, ensure you don’t pop painkillers regularly, as they can relieve pain temporarily and have several side effects.

Back pain is often a sign let out by your body to warn you about a deep issue that needs medical attention immediately. Physiotherapy treatment in Edmonton region is an excellent method of treatment to get rid of sciatica and back pain. This type of treatment will rule out the need to take painkillers like opioids and eliminate the need to prevent invasive surgical procedures later on. This is why you need to avail the sciatica and back pain treatment in Edmonton offered by Excelsior Physiotherapy. 

What Causes Your Back Pain?

Your back pain can be caused by the following factors:

Repetitive Motions: It can also result from repetitive motions that strain your back like bending over to pick your baby several times throughout the day, or being involved in a profession that requires you to strain your back consistently. 
Motor Vehicle Accident: Usually back pain occurs due to an injury or accident. Back pain can be induced by trauma caused by a motor vehicle accident. 
Herniated Disc: A few underlying medical conditions like a herniated disc issue might also excoriating pain. It will cause radiculopathy pain passing through your foot, leg, and thighs. 
Degenerative Disc Issue: Degenerative disc issue is a common ailment that occurs as you age, which can also induce back pain. This condition triggers a dull pain in your lower back and face difficulty while walking or standing for several hours. 

What Are the Causes of Sciatica?
Sciatica is medically referred to as lumbar radiculopathy. People in the age range of 30 to 50 are prone to develop sciatica. Serious injuries and road accidents may lead to the development of this condition. Some of the chronic medical conditions like bone spurs, arthritis, and more will have a bad effect on the sciatic nerve. People with this condition will not have flexible pelvis or hips, and their hip muscles and gluteus would be stiff and tight. It can also cause alteration in the mechanics of your spine and compresses the sciatic nerve and the surrounding tissues. 

How Back Pain Is Different from Sciatica? 

An injury caused while lifting heavy objects, a car accident, and poor posture might cause back pain. Our dedicated physiotherapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy offering back pain treatment in North Edmonton area will customize it based on parameters like the extent and severity of your back pain, your medical history, and its location on your back. Acute back pain will require a short-term treatment program while chronic back pain will need long-term treatment lasting 3 months or more. 

Sciatica is a medical condition that is associated with severe back pain that is unbearable and uncomfortable. But, the relieving fact is that this condition can be diagnosed easily. As the sciatica is the longest nerve running through the body, the pain can be felt along your buttocks, thigh, to feet. This nerve, when pinched or compressed, can cause a burning, stinging, or shooting sensation in your lower back that extends to your feet. This uncomfortable pain can be easily relieved through our effective sciatica pain relief treatment in Edmonton. 

How Excelsior Physiotherapy Can Relieve My Sciatica and Back Pain?

Even though backaches might occur temporarily and go away after a few days, some tend to last longer. Such back pain might not respond to painkillers or the application of medicated creams. This is because the back pain might be the result of poor muscle coordination, weakness of the core, and lack of joint movement. 

If you have back pain or sciatica, you can get it treated at Excelsior Physiotherapy in Edmonton. We provide comprehensive sciatica and back pain treatment in Sherwood Park that specifically meets your pain-relieving requirements after diagnosis. During the initial stage, our physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture treatments focus on relieving your back pain quickly to help you perform all activities with ease. 

When your pain gets reduced, our expert team offering sciatica and back pain treatment in Edmonton will pay attention towards enhancing your core muscle strength with customized stretches and therapeutic workouts. Our sciatica and back pain treatment program aims at enhancing muscle strength and improving range of motion to avoid spine injury and strain. We also educate you on the ways of taking care of your spine health when performing work-related tasks or casual work and teach you the significance of ergonomics to prevent such back pain in future. For patients dealing with sciatica, our physiotherapists would suggest custom leg stretching exercises as a part of your treatment plan for loosening up your sciatic nerve. Such activities help restore nerve health and aid in lowering all the symptoms swiftly. 

Schedule an appointment at Excelsior Physiotherapy to know more about sciatica and back pain relief treatment programs. It doesn’t matter if you have chronic back pain, our dedicated team of professionals can help you bounce back to regular life within a short time. 

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8103 127 Ave NW Unit-17, Edmonton, AB T5C 1R9, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

664 Wye Rd #180, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 6G3, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM