Concussion Physiotherapy Service in Edmonton

Revive, Restore and Regain: Embark on a journey towards optimum health and wellness with our concussion physiotherapy service. 

Sustaining an injury at the workplace, in a road accident, or while playing your favourite sport can cause a concussion, which might affect your quality of life. Whether it is vomiting, sensitivity to light, headaches, loss of memory, sensitivity to noise, fatigue or feeling dizzy, we help you overcome these issues with our dedicated concussion physiotherapy treatment in Edmonton area.  

Excelsior Physiotherapy aims at offering top-notch care working alongside you to eliminate the signs and symptoms of concussion developed during a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) or sports injury. We specialize in offering concussion physiotherapy services in Edmonton region and utilize an array of methods from manual therapy, coordination training, visual training, exercise, cognitive training, and balance.  

Our Concussion Physiotherapy Services in Edmonton are available at the following locations:

  • Excelsior Physiotherapy – Edmonton 
  • Excelsior Physiotherapy – Sherwood Park
  • Excelsior Physiotherapy – North Edmonton 

What Type of Concussion Do We Deal with?

At Excelsior Physiotherapy, we offer customized concussion physiotherapy service in North Edmonton to treat all types of concussions. 

Persistent Concussion Treatment: If you have developed a concussion that took more than 10 days for healing, then it indicates it is in the persistent stage. Our physiotherapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy perform a customized assessment for gaining a deep insight into your health and medical history. This detailed assessment will help us create a customized concussion treatment program to help you feel better again. 

Acute Concussion Treatment: If you sustained a severe injury in a sports activity or road accident that led to a concussion within the last 10 days, then it is in the acute stage. Our physiotherapists in Sherwood Park will develop a personalized concussion treatment plan that would help you manage, navigate recover, and get back to regular activities. For sportspersons, we take special care during our concussion therapy program to help you avoid injuries in future and bounce back to your favourite game. Why Choose Excelsior Physiotherapy?

At Excelsior Physiotherapy, we strive to deliver you an excellent pain-relieving experience, as our certified team of vestibular therapists and ITPT or Impact Trained Physical Therapists provide comprehensive concussion management treatment. We utilize impact as a tool for assessing the concussion’s severity, discussing the post-concussion status with the sportspersons and creating an effective recovery plan from injury. Call us today for an appointment! 

How We Can Help?

  • Record Maintenance: When availing of our concussion physiotherapy service in Sherwood Park, we handle a special record about your health update and give you quick access to file history.  
  • Timely Care: We recognize the issue quickly based on our thorough assessment, refer to your previous health records, and provide instant care during every session.
  • Individualized Treatment: Our Impact Trained Physical Therapists offer concussion physiotherapy services in Sherwood Park by working along with the patients to deliver a personalized treatment that is comfortable and discrete. 

What Conditions Can Be Tackled with Our Concussion Physiotherapy Service? 

Our physiotherapists are trained in offering concussion management services for identifying the problem areas, offering treatments, and teaching management techniques to prevent it in future. The following are some of the common ways through which we approach concussion. 

  1. Examining and Treating Your Thoracic Spine and Neck

After developing a concussion, it is natural to experience headaches, stiffness, and pain due to pain in the upper back and neck. At Excelsior Physiotherapy, we provide comprehensive concussion physiotherapy treatment in Edmonton area, which includes electrothermal modalities, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, dry needling, and manual therapy. 

  1. Vestibular Rehabilitation

If you are facing issues like balance problems and dizziness, our physiotherapists in Edmonton will teach you specific strategies and exercises to improve your vestibular system follow, adapt and regain its regular functions. 

  1. Cognitive Functions 

If you have difficulties like focusing, concentrating, and forgetting, our physiotherapy experts will suggest exercises to make your brain regain memory, and focus, and adapt to improve after a concussion. 

  1. Sensitivity to Light 

If you are facing difficult maintaining normal vision in a brightly-lit environment, then it indicates that your vision’s ability for tracking objects and depth to look has been affected. We later your vision’s ability to withstand bright light, and track objects by prescribing targeted exercises to stay focused while moving or not moving your head. 

  1. Autonomic Dysregulation 

Our physiotherapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy offer individualized concussion physiotherapy service in Edmonton that comprises aerobic exercise programs for people facing abnormal symptoms that are persistent. We make sure that the aftereffects of concussions like high heart rate, irregular breathing rate, and blood pressure are negated through our physiotherapy exercises. 

Our Concussion Management Strategies 

We devise special strategies for patients dealing with concussions facing high sensitivity towards sound or light. Our effective strategies focus on improving and managing these symptoms. 

Most patients will be facing changes in their mood and sleep, which might lead to depression and anxiety, which can be quickly relieved with our customized concussion physiotherapy program. 

Appointment Booking Information 

Online Appointment 

Get direct access for booking or rescheduling your physiotherapy appointments. You can also get phone notifications about your appointment or go through your notes on appointments through our dedicated online booking platform. 

Direct Billing for Private Insurance Firms 

Our speciality is offering direct billing services to most of the private insurance providers across Alberta. If you are having any concerns regarding your insurance provider, just contact us by mail or call to know your options. 

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims 

Accidents can be life-altering. We have numerous years of experience in handling claims related to MVA or Motor Vehicle Accidents to help you stay focused on getting treatments and feel better with improved health. 


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Are You Ready To Live Pain-Free?

8103 127 Ave NW Unit-17, Edmonton, AB T5C 1R9, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

664 Wye Rd #180, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 6G3, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM