Whiplash Response Regimen Service in Edmonton

Get the much-needed relief through our whiplash treatment in Edmonton geared towards helping you bounce back to your life and perform your favourite activity. 

Excelsior Physiotherapy specializes in offering customized whiplash response regimen that can help you recover quickly from a Motor Vehicle Accident or MVA injury or sports accident. Our whiplash response service focuses on improving your pain and helps in fast-paced recovery time, allowing you to return to regular life to do what you love the most. Our physiotherapists in Edmonton are completely aware that automobile accidents can be devastating at times, which might demand proper care and top-notch treatment for managing the symptoms associated with it. Our massage therapists, acupuncturists, and physiotherapists are experts who are highly skilled and well-trained to provide a wide range of therapeutic services for helping our clients enjoy painless life and optimum comfort. 

Our dedicated team of medical professionals at Excelsior Physiotherapy suggest a whiplash response regimen in Edmonton for our clients facing severe pain from injuries caused by road accidents. We make sure that their road to recovery is quicker and create a personalized whiplash treatment plan based on their health needs and objectives. Our whiplash response regimen in North Edmonton is output drive, promising, non-invasive, and safe for people of different age groups. Our physiotherapists will make sure that pain caused by automobile accidents is fully eradicated and doesn’t resurface by suggesting a set of at-home exercises to keep pain at bay. 

For more inquiries regarding our whiplash response regimen in Sherwood Parkschedule an appointment with our physiotherapists at Excelsior Physiotherapy. Our dedicated team of physiotherapists with extensive therapeutic knowledge utilize the latest technology for treating your whiplash condition. 

An Insight into Whiplash

Whiplash is an issue that develops on your neck due to an abrupt sudden movement of the head with high impact, which causes a jolting movement to and fro following a unilateral direction. This whiplash injury leads to discomfort, pain, and injuries across the musculoskeletal structure of the neck.

What Is Whiplash-Associated Disorder?

Whiplash-Associated Disorder or WAD is the resulting symptom developed due to an MVA or motor vehicle accident or road collision. The signs and symptoms of WAD tend to differ from one person to the other, based on the impact caused by the accident. The symptoms and signs of WAD might develop almost immediately or after a few weeks of the road collision. 

Even if you don’t feel any effect of a whiplash injury like pain, discomfort, or inflammation, it is wise to consult the physiotherapists in Edmonton immediately after your motor vehicle accident. The symptoms of whiplash generally take a couple of days to show their symptoms or signs. Our specialist medical team at Excelsior Physiotherapy will make a thorough assessment and analysis of your joints to detect any signs of whiplash effect in your neck and can suggest whiplash response regimen treatment right away to strengthen your musculoskeletal system. 

When you visit our Excelsior Physiotherapy clinic in Edmonton, we will identify the type of whiplash disorder that is bothering you based on the symptoms you are facing and health details. It is important to identify the WAD category that you are dealing with, as it will guide our physiotherapists to determine the next course of treatment plan based on the effect of the road accident. 

How Excelsior Physiotherapy Handles Whiplash Response Regimen Service?

 As soon as you arrive for your first appointment at Excelsior Physiotherapy, an expert physiotherapist will be assigned to you for consultation. We will be asking several questions to help our specialist understand you better. We will perform a comprehensive assessment while gathering information about the road accident that caused the pain, the symptoms you faced, your medical history, your family health history, any limitations you have, and more. Such information will help our physiotherapists in creating a customized whiplash response treatment program in North Edmonton to help you recover quickly. Contact us today to prevent your slight pain from changing into chronic pain in future, which might even lead to undesirable consequences. 

We conduct a comprehensive examination of our clients, which might include neurological tests, musculoskeletal, or biomechanical tests. These tests will be helpful for our medical team to stay aware of your present health condition, and your joint and muscle health status while creating your treatment plan. We might even ask you to try to reach out your arms to touch the back of your head, neck, back, or shoulder to identify the range of motion, tenderness, and strength. These activities will also help in determining the level of flexibility of our hand and limb joints as well as the kind of pain felt when moving the affected parts. 

As soon as the complete assessment process gets over, your physiotherapist at Excelsior Physiotherapy will utilize every piece of information gathered for charting out an appropriate personalized whiplash response regimen treatment in Edmonton, which will aid in quicken up the process of your recovery and assure pain relief. 

Contact Us Today to Bid Goodbye to Pain and Discomfort 

At Excelsior Physiotherapy, we fully understand that as a victim of an MVA or motor vehicle accident, you might have been dealing with severe pain and discomfort, which is why we are ready to bring you out of the suffering. You might have developed the silent symptoms of WAD without even recognizing it.  

Contact our team at Excelsior Physiotherapy for an appointment with our expert physiotherapists. The team of physiotherapists in North Edmonton are efficient to perform an accurate diagnosis through thorough assessment to find out the actual cause behind your symptoms. Our whiplash response regimen treatment in Sherwood Park aims at eradicating even a slight trace of pain and promoting the recovery period after a road collision. 

Just give us a call or ping through chat to book your appointment and visit us directly at the clinic and allow us to take you through the smooth process of recovery. Get your customized whiplash response regimen treatment plan today and we will help simplify the process of returning to normalcy. 

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8103 127 Ave NW Unit-17, Edmonton, AB T5C 1R9, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

664 Wye Rd #180, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 6G3, Canada

Mon – Fri           8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
 Sat – Sun          10:00 AM to 2:00 PM